Mr. Jim Webb book list. Oops 2) Overlooked information; "Gun Worms Wormers&Wipers. First Printing 1999. Second Printing with Additional information 2018. 92 pages. Copies printed 500 starting with # 51. This book is # 62. This copy is the 11th copy printed and sent by mail for James Wilkison with best wishes, Jim Webb. 3) Overlooked Information; "Rifle gun triggers locks & Ect. Observations & notes". James Webb His Journal Drawn by His Own Hand". 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 0224, 2005, 2006, 2007. Book # 474of 500 copies printer. Special note:To Mr. Webbs signature. Sorry for the screw up on No-2 and No.-3 Thanks for looking. AJ