Thanks for the help on the lock problem, now something alot easier. I think I have a couple ways to remedy this but would like some advice first.
I am using a stock that was discarded by a pretty advanced builder previous to this project.
He said he could not remember why he quit on it, and I think I found out why.
After I inlet and pined the barrel, and then finished inletting the lock, and now the trigger, everything functions fine.
But I noticed that once the lock is inlet it opened into the RR channel. I have discovered that the RR channel is off center and veered into the lock area, slightly.
But enough to keep the RR from going the entire way down, as it hits the main spring of the lock.
I even tried a 5/16" RR with a brass tip, and it hits the spring.
Could I remove some off the spring?
Or do I open up the top of the RR channel from above in the barrel channel and widen the channel toward the other side? That would be alot more work if I patched everything up after???