I agree with Mike. I don't know if you are working from a drawing, but Eric Von Aschwege offers a great drawing he calls Little Lehigh, which is basically the John Rupp side opener. I worked from that drawing building the side opener and it really opened my eyes to some Lehigh architecture that I otherwise wouldn't have noticed. Two of the real subtle things are - 1) the line of the lower forearm dishes up into the wrist a wee bit, not much, maybe .030-.040 or so, it starts right behind the triggerplate and initiates the curve to the toe line. This helps to give that "squat" soft diamond look thru the wrist. The other is the comb lines are not straight from the buttplate to the nose. There again, very subtle, they dish in about 1/32" or so. Even looking at the drawings you wouldn't notice until you start putting a straight edge on things. But they all add up to slimming down the wrist and butt. Hope this helps.