I trust all is well with you!
This subject of height is a bit big and off topic here, but can I just add that what you say is correct, and that burials from the late Paleolithic often show heights very close to today. I suppose at that time, you ate well or starved to death pretty fast!
No cheap food so to speak.. no sugars apart from natural and honey..
Back to ramrods!
Yes, I feel sure the posts above cover this, that a wad of tow or whatever over the powder, and a ball in this nest with something light over it to hold it in place, even grass, would be how a ball was loaded and would not be the least bit hard on a rammer.
I also feel pretty sure a lot of these fowling pieces never saw a ball, but were truly just used for fowling.
Possibly, in times of trouble, a buckshot load could be used.