The answer is yes. This German shotgun has several such repairs, which can be seen as the wood shrunk and left them slightly proud. There are 2 repairs on the right side and 3 small repairs on the cheek side. This is a higher grade gun, not a common one.
Years ago, I ran across a period reference where a glue and filler was made from powdered charcoal and pine resin. I experimented with the process by gathering a canful of pitch pine resin globs. I placed the can near the campfire and cooked all the volatiles from it. When cooled it formed a hard, glassy compound.
At home, I remelted it and mixed a small quantity with powdered charcoal until it was still pliable but wouldn't absorb any more. I forced it into a small bark inclusion on a rifle I was building at the time. Then smoothed and sanded it flush. When finish was applied it appeared as this gun does, but level with the wood.
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