I think there is something to it. I always try to double lung them if possible. Sometimes you get both lungs and the heart as well.
Fellow did just that, many years ago, might have been 2007. I was helping gut out a moose one of the hunters shot, when another hunter, just out of sight of the bunch of us,
shot a bull with a 100gr. PYRODEX load, using a .54 TC. (yeah- he ruined that barrel- rotted it out in 2 years - wouldn't listen). Anyway, the shot was made at 170yards and the
bull was hit a bit low of centre, holing the first lung, heart and the second lung. The hole was about an inch in diameter through all organs. We assume due to the shock wave.
The ball ended up on the off side, under the hide. The bull took off running hard and collapsed mid stride after 40yard run. Just folded up.
The moose and the hunter. Incidentally, he could not put 5 shots on a standard target at 100yards, without missing at least once. I would not have let him take that shot, because
I was with him when he was shooting off my portable bench in camp. He lucked out.