In the old days, I used a nail with the head cut off for barrel pins. On my recent rifle I got fancy and used 3/32 inch hardened steel pins supplied by Track.
My current effort is on a kit supplied with 1/16 inch pin material. So, I fit the first under lug, inletted it, marked the spots on each side, center punched one side, set up the center point rig on my drill press and guess what?
Right. (the way Bill Cosby used to say it.)
The drilling went fine untill I was running the bit out the far side of the lug. Ping.
A bit that small breaks real easily. I forgot the big motor on the drill press. I am also used to using a hand drill.
This makes the broken off ramrod look like a breeze.
I will save the suspense and tell you I got it out. I ran down to the hardware and bought two more 1/16 inch bits, and drilled in from the other side. when I felt the end of the new bit "crunch" I knew I had hit the broken off bit as hoped. I didn't break this one however. I got my 1/16 inch punch (a real one not a ground off nail) and drove the broken bit out of the lug. I then removed the barrel and the rest of the broken bit.
The two holes are not perfectly aligned, but that is a very minor deal compared to a drill bit broken off in the barel lug. I bet no one else ever did this.