Thanks Rich, but I have your article and have read numerous books and articles on the subject. There's just something about actually seeing someone do it that I'm not picking up in text.
Most tutorials start with the "Mousterian Core", heck, if I had that to start with, it would probably work. I just can't seem to find any of those lying around here.
I have the Skertchly book: "
The Manufacture of Gunflints". Wow, those guys could whack out something like 10,000 good gunflints a day. Some of the pieces I knocked off today would have actually made a decent "arrow head", but I wasn't trying to make those.
My two primary implements of destruction today was a 10 oz. brass hammer and a steel gate hinge pin.
I seem to be using the the room full of monkeys with typewriters trying to write the great novel school of knapping approach. Now and then, I find a piece that I can sort of force a gunflint out of in my fragments.
Maybe I need better rock
Sounds like weathered rock is an issue. I have been using what is called Kentucky agate found at the surface It's black and is embedded in limestone. I probably have destroyed some otherwise valuable pieces. It is the state gemstone.