Thank you for your answer.
Please go to the site and scroll down to the "exploded parts" including the unfinished stock, scan to the far right and you'll see six scroll inlays for keys escuetions. Just below them, you'll see a "head-on" view of what appears to me to be the nose cap. Note that it is only a "half" nose cap, the top is missing.
Note too on the pictures of the whole rifle at the top of the page, the barrel's metal is gray, the nose cap is brass. While it's kinda hard to see, it appears to me that the upper half of what could be the nose cap is GRAY, like the barrel.
In addition, the first picture of the rifle at the top of the site's page shows the nose cap with the gray barrel above it. The 2nd picture (just below the 1st picture) shows a top view (looking down) on the top of the full gray barrel with a brass front sight. The brass sight is easily seen against the gray barrel. Note the end of the barrel is also gray... no sign of the upper half of the brass nose cap. The 3rd picture down shows the brass nose cap at the end of the bottom of the barrel (bottom view looking up).
I realize I'm "picky", but I like a full nose cap and am wondering if what seems to be pictured on the Track of the Wolf's site is a half nose cap... and is a half nose cap traditional on the Emmitsburg style of Long Rifle or can a full nose cap (which is what you say it already is) be substituted and still be traditionally correct?
Strength & Honor...
Ron T.