OK. Also consider this. Contrary to popular opinion you do not always get what you pay for. You do, however, always pay for what you get. Someone above quoted $1000 for a job. I can believe that as a reasonable figure for a neat job.
Had a guy come in just last year with a kit made by a noted local maker. The kit cost about $700 and looked OK, and I asked him why he just didn't have one of the seller's boys assemble it. He said. "They wanted $700."
He obviously expected that I'd do it for less than one of the seller's workers. I handed him the kit and politely but hastily showed him the door. Incidentally, why would anyone buy a kit if he did not intend on doing the work himself? Some of us would build you a custom fitted gun for only a tad more than the total for this project is likely going to run, assuming you pay the going rate for a decent job. Remember, they made profit on the kit, too.
Incidentally, I don't know what conditions are in the rest of the country, but all guns made here come with an unconditional lifetime guarantee on parts and workmanship. If the gun is dropped, cracked or mishandled and broken, I fix it at cost. I would not extend such a guarantee to another maker's kit. Admittedly, I try to refrain from engaging in business relationships with difficult or pressure-inducing types. That's one of the beauties of having an avocation...you can pick and choose what jobs you do.
By the way, speaking of customer service, when I sell an antique I offer a lifetime return policy at the price the buyer paid. Anytime, any reason, no questions asked. As those who have dealt here know, I handle only quality items, and since they were sold originally by me at a fair price, I can take the gun back, add $$$ for inflation and age, and make the money now. The money from the original deal was used for years, reinvested, turned over and/or spent on Rakija, so gain there, too. Just good business, which can be done with low volume, high ticket specialty items. It adds comfort and security for the customer, with no additional cost to me. Incidentally, I am not advertising or pushing product, as I have no old ones now for sale and never need to resort to the Internet when I do.