Author Topic: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot  (Read 47074 times)


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Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« on: June 25, 2008, 04:46:59 PM »
: OK- it's about time, eh? Hope everyone has been practising - we haven't even fired one shot from a chunk, so I expect the winner could possibly be from the States, but not likely. HA!
: Who wants to do this?
: I've talking this over with some of the guys, and have decided that since I'm on a disability pension & of limited funds ie: too many other expensive hobbies, I am requesting that entrants send me a $3:00 MoneyOrder in International funds. If it is US funds, I will not be able to cash it up here.
: For this $3:00 MO, I will buy large brown envelopes and mail 10 marked match targets to you. The cost to me will be in excess of $3.00, but it will be close.
: Rules:

1/.- Normal hunting-trail walk rifles only - no calibre restriction. No Match-type Chunk Rifles. No false muzzles.
2/.- There will be NO re-entries. Screwing up is part and parcel with shooting a match in Canada. I am not going to make any money with this postal match, so there is no point in a re-entry.
3/.- Patched round ball only. Open sights only - non adjustable.
4/.- Prone - means laying on the ground - with a front rest only (NO rear bags), using a 'chunk' of wood, log or adjustable rest for the forend or barrel. Front bag allowed. I do not see any reason to exclude a modern tri-pod-type adjustable rest as they offer no advantages over the rests used in Chunk shooting competition.
4/.- Spotter's or 'bud's of your design may be used of course, as we may not be able to see the black around the 'X'. Place it as you wish on each successive target. You may shoot a group on the spotter so see where you are shooting and place it appropriately.
5/.- Range 50 yards. Total 5 record targets, 10 shots - 2 only per target. This 10 yard closer range than normal is due to our use of our rendezvous rifles only instead of heavy match rifles, as well as most suitable ranges offer a marked 50 yard range.
6/.- Spotting scopes allowed, but since targets are replaced between shots, there is not much point.
7/.- Targets are posted 1 at a time for each shooter. Because there are 2 shots shot per target, there will be no 'doubles' ie: targets with more than 2 holes. Doubles add inches to the score(all are measured for that shot's score). If you double (more than 2 shots on one, do not shoot at all 5 targets but leave the appropriate # off one of the successive targets. All holes in the targets will be meaured plus 5" will be added for each penalty. Double whammy - This means if 11 shots are fired, your string will have 11 shots measured + 5" will added to the measure. I repeat, if you double on a target, one of the returned targets must be missing that shot or shots. I MUSt be able to measure all bullet holes. Since there are 2 shots per target and I expect some close shooting, however I will be able to tell if 2 balls entered the same hole - they will not be 'exactly' in the same hole, trust me on that. I've been scoring match targets for 35 years, so -- I've seen the varmint.
8/.- Shaders are allowed.
9/.- All entries(MO's) must be received by the 16th of July.
;10 - The bottom of each target has a box for recording data. Please mark one with your name, calibre used, load (powder), bullet(ball) weight - put in here the ball diameter. 'Notes' line should have patch material, thickness and lube. Do this on one of the 5 match targets only.
: 11/. - All returned targets must be postmarked 16th August or earlier.

: Participants send MO's or cash along with return addresses to:

Daryl Sapergia
325 15ave.
Prince George, B.C.
Canada V2L 3W6

Daryl Sapergia
; last edit - 07:35 - date of returning targets.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 05:37:19 PM by Daryl »


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2008, 05:05:22 PM »
 I feel somewhat intimidated by this "new" site. ??? I'm not a builder(yet),not a collector(yet),just a happy shooter of flintlocks. I have a gun and a rifle. I do appreciate the wonderfull skills of all the builders in here,new and old.Just haven't had the funds or worked up some skill at being a builder. My interests are in the historical events that influence the way you gents build these great rifles and guns. I guess I'm just a history nut and love the old ways. I have made a few small items and accoutrements but have left the big jobs for you artisans and just buy what I like. Hope I can fit in here somewhere.
 Thanks to all who have done so much good work to keep the site going and to all for the new one.
  Sorry Daryls,didn't know where to post this thread,so I'm leaning on you,LOL!!,thanks. roy


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2008, 01:44:13 AM »
Got 5 entries for the chunk match. 2 sent out today and the other 3 tomorrow.
: Remember 2 shots per target as there are only 5 enclosed, along with a spotter.

Candle Snuffer

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2008, 02:57:35 AM »
Found the new site.  Daryl, will you be listing the names of the entries as they come in?  Just wondering. :)


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2008, 07:50:53 AM »
Wasn't going to list until they're all in - deadline 15th July I believe. I send guys/no gals yet e-mails to let them know their entries are in. I'm planning on a 1st. August for the postmark on targets. I'm open in this if it's too soon.

Candle Snuffer

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2008, 03:18:31 PM »
I did get the email verification.  Thanks Daryl!

An August 1 postmark is ok with me even though I have a pretty full schedule in July, but if that's the post mark date, I'll make it! :)


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2008, 05:35:05 PM »
Considering the end-date for sending off registrations is 16th July, lets make the close date the 16th of August.  I'll ammend the 'rules'.
; editing this- 16th August end date. - this date should give me time to mark targets and publish the results before Hefley. Not sure when I'm going to get time for Salmon fishing, though. It's in there somewhere.  The dates for the "Northern Sapergia" weekend on 'Babine' haven't been finalized.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 05:40:29 PM by Daryl »

Candle Snuffer

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2008, 09:00:36 PM »
August 16th post mark date does help me out quite a bit!  Thanks for extending it.

Daryl, you got to make time for Salmon fishing!

Dave Marsh

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2008, 03:32:06 PM »
Daryl, my entry is on the way.  I too like the 16th of August extension.  Just tried the chunk shooting position and didn't do so well.   Have never shot like that so need a bunch of practice.  Thanks. 


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2008, 04:34:03 PM »
Placement of the forestock does make differences in point of impact and group size - at least in my longrifle. The difference is quite pronounced. I thought you guys in the South had been practising since the snow melted in January? ;D

Dave Marsh

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2008, 04:12:09 PM »
Snow didn't melt away down here in the south until April....and I should have started to practice then but this thing called a job keeps interfering with my time.  Just getting around to practicing now......when I retire in the next year or 2 hopefully I will have more time. :o


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2008, 04:26:22 PM »
I received another entry by Eric Lau.  I can't find his e-mail addy.  Eric, hope you see this. I've been entrants to let them know theri targets are on the way. Your's will go out today.  I'll mail it on the way out to the rondyvous - It's our last day. Ton o' fun.

Offline Dave B

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2008, 05:38:32 PM »
My targets are here! I found them on the table when I got back from the KRA show.
I have to break out the fixens to get some practice in.
Do you make copies of the spotter or just use the same spotter to place over the new target each time? :-[ There will be only one hole in the spotter any way so I guess it really isn't necessary  ;):D ;D
Dave Blaisdell


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2008, 05:59:20 PM »
As I understantthe scenario, you shoot 5 or whatever shots at the spotter to get a good point of impact when aiming at the centre of the spotter target before the match or shoot is started, then place that spotter's group over the centre of the match target, so the ball will impact as close to the X as possible.  Moving that same group each time over the next target would ensure your point of impact.
; The reason to use a group, is that shooting over a chuck with a hunting rifle that is sighted for offhand shooting, then is rested on a bag or block, somewhere on the forestock or entry pipe, or ramrod, will change the point of impact of the rifle. I tested mine and moving the rifle's postion forward by only 6", raised the point of impact 2" and moved it 1/2" to the left.  Proper use of a spotter is a good idea, and that's why I included one in the mailing.
   You could make copies, or simply go to and download it and print it for yourself. I think they were both on normal targets and page 10. Note the match targets are all initialled. 

Candle Snuffer

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2008, 10:29:53 PM »
My targets arrived yesterday as well.  Need to get the 4th of July and Fur Trade Days behind me, then its off to the range with the Dickert for some belly shootin over the log.  Thanks Daryl for taking this on. :)

Offline Dave B

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2008, 04:38:27 AM »
Thanks for that description. I will see what kind of group my rifle will shoot while over the log.
Dave Blaisdell


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2008, 04:49:58 AM »
Pleasure, Joe, and Dave.   I'll be out of town for a week from the 9th to about 14th July, but will have all those entries received by the 15th mailed out that date.  That will still give at least 3 weeks to shoot the match - still lots of time.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 04:54:35 AM by Daryl »


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2008, 04:58:25 PM »
Come on guys, still lots of time to enter. I've only received 7 entries in the mail + 1 here, but know there are another 4 to 6 here to enter for sure. The more there are, this better we'll have to shoot. Just mailed off Dave M's and Erik L's yesterday.  Roger- yours is on the way - sorry forgot I'd already sent it (my mistaken post on your thread :-[). Still lots of time - must be post marked by 16th July, not due to return until postmarked 16th August.  There were a LOT more " Count me in's" in previous threads about the chunk match last spring than entries I've received.
: For those driving to Hefley this year, Diesel fuel here in town is $1.487 per litre, about 6 cents per litre higher than gasoline.  That computes to
 $6.751 per Imp gallon, X .8 = $5.368 per US gallon :o.  Doesn't sound very good in either 'language'.
; Gasoline hit $1.423 in some stations, $1.433 in others - much cheaper at $6.506 per gallon.  :'(

Offline George Sutton

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2008, 05:29:02 PM »
Hi Daryl, the targets arrived in the mail today. I'll probably shoot them early next week.



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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2008, 05:30:24 PM »
Good luck, George.


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2008, 11:13:26 PM »
Rex W. your targets will be in the mail this afternoon.  Tks for entering.

Offline smokinbuck

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2008, 03:53:22 AM »
Haven't had a chance to let you know but my targets arrived earlier this week. Will get them back ASAP. Taking the grandson to the National Youth shoot in Friendship in 2 weeks. It will be our 5th time down for it, I think Scott Mings has the best youth program going.
Mark 8)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 03:54:45 AM by smokinbuck »


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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2008, 04:26:54 AM »
No rush - lots of time. Have fun at friendship - gotta be special with your young kin.

Offline smokinbuck

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2008, 06:11:41 PM »
You bet it's special. Devon, my grandsaon, is now 13 and this will be his 5th Youth Shoot. He's brought home medals several times but the memories, friends and lessons that he has learned are the most important things that we both come home with. Will let you know how he does.

Offline bob in the woods

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Re: Chunk Shoot - ALR Postal Shoot
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2008, 06:30:50 PM »
My money etc is in the "mail". You should probably receive this coming week, if the canoes and ponies make it through. ;D