I have to agree with Mike on his take on Todd Daggett's knives. Todd builds several styles of dirks and knives all of top quality workmanship. I actually took the picture that Todd submitted to the blog. The top dirk in the photo on the blog is Todd's personal dirk which has elephant ivory incorporated into the haft. The second from the top is actually a dudgeon dagger and is my personal dagger. The name dudgeon dagger comes from the dagger being hafted with boxwood root, also known as "dudgeon". Todd has made a lot of copies of dirks and daggers found in the Swords and Sorrows book which is based on the weapons carried at the 1746 battle of Culloden.
If you have a need for a nice handforged knife look for Todd at the CLA show in Kentucky. You can also see some examples of Todd's work on my website.
www.harddogrifles.com (My website is in the process of being renovated so all you can do right now is look at the items featured.) I have seen some of the knives Todd has made up to take to the CLA show. You won't be disappointed.
Randy Hedden