Picking up on Jeff's comment about tying the side pieces in with the finial, I have a suggestion since you have asked for comment and not claiming to be able to do much more in the field of engraving other than looking at other peoples' work and sketching designs.
If you look at the finial, where the scrolls extend forward on the upper and lower margins from the hinge and intersect the scrolls returning from the forward end of the finial, there are small design elements that fill the space such that the main portions of the scrolls do not touch.
The scrolls on the side pieces do not have similar elements. There may be opportunities to insert this element in the side pieces, such as the scrolls near the rear screws, to reinforce this desigh. Also, the engraving treatment around the screws could be treated in a uniform manner. I like the rosette treatment in the finial design.
Just a couple thoughts after my first cup of coffee.
I do like the general design quite a bit.
Larry Luck