I did it--once. About 35 years ago. I was young, had a lot more time than money, and it was barely satisfactory when most of the bugs were worked out.
Think used, even if it needs rehabing. Every once in a while I run across ancient iron bandsaws that are massive. A friend renewed a 36"er built in 1895, and it's sweet. That's where it can be worth doing, but he spent about two weeks plus $$$ on it. That was time he wasn't spending earning a living, so...
You CAN make your own tablesaw or jointer too, but other than the "gee-whiz" bragging rights, I don't see much reason to do it. It's always interesting to me to see these projects where someone is making something in their shop that they could buy, and using other off-the-shelf machines to do it.
I urge reconsideration.