I have had them both ways, secured at the buttstock & secured at the t/guard & find them both uncomfortable to use. I just don't like the rifle on a sling on my shoulder. When I do use one, I prefer
the one anchored at the buttstock, as I am always afraid the one anchored at the t/guard is going to
pull on the guard & eventually work it sloppy in the inlet. After all, the only thing holding it on the front
where the stress is, is one lil 1/16" pin. I feel it has more outward stress than against the lug seat.
Maybe it won't, but I know a 1/4" screw threaded 1" into the buttstocks is much more secure. As far as
the buttstock anchor digging into your back, it doesn't, or mine doesn't anyway.
When I drag a deer I use a drag harness I can pull straight. My hands are empty, so even if it has
a sling I usually have the rifle in my hand & the drag harness on my shoulders & chest. So basically
I would use it to carry in & back out if I didn't get anything, and then only if it is a long walk.
Keith Lisle