Dennis, see ya there! Stop over at Wayne Dunlaps table, I hope to have 3 or 4 rifles there...
Kermit, the barrel was draw filed, sanded with 220 emery cloth (I didn't go crazy with it), then one coat of Super Blue. I usually rub it back with some very fine steel wool and a small amount of WD-40. This time I rubbed it back with a very fine Scotch Brite pad, with a little WD-40.
Taylor, thanks very much for your comments and insight, I really appreciate it. I feel I'm just starting to get my arms around this engraving business and thoughts like yours help greatly. I was going for more of a Colonial look, vs the more refined European engraving. Having said that, I agree with you, aggressive cuts here and there would enhance the effect.
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree on the brass... I know a lot of guys have strong feelings one way or the other on that, kind of a blond / brunette thing, lol, but I like the overall effect...
Thanks again to everyone.