Actually a couple more pictures would help. The ones you have show close-ups of various areas, but leave a lot out.
If you could take a picture of the rifle, showing it from the butt plate up to about the middle of the forearm would be great. One picture showing the side with the patchbox, and another pic showing the side with the cheek piece.
If possible, also a picture showing the barrel tang area, and another showing the brass piece on the bottom of the forearm would be nice too.
Also, are there any other inlays on the rifle? Maybe one back at the toe of the butt stock area?
And, if you put the rifle on a lighter colored background, the pictures might show the rifle better.
You have a nice rifle there, and it's mostly all there too! If the crack you mentioned is the one going through the lock area, when or if you ship the gun to someone to be repaired, be sure to support that area very well! The last thing you want to happen is for the rifle to get broken into two pieces through that crack!