At a woods walk I shot the 'tater teeter totter. It was a horizontal 6 foot long piece of 1x4 with a nail through the center into a fence post. There were six pieces of string about 18" long with sheetrock screws on the ends tied to the 1x4, 3 either side. Each sheetrock screw was screwed into a potato. The potatoes not being uniform in weight, the teeter totter would drop to one side. (There was some kind of stop so it didn't go all the way to the ground)
The target was timed, so the shooter had a few (3? 4?) minutes to load and fire at the potatoes. You scored a point for each time the horizontal 1x4 tilted one way or the other, so you alternated sides.
Very satisfying when the potato goes splat and the bar tilts. I suppose you could use the fruit or vegetable of your choice.
Another interesting one I shot a few months back was the invisible X. The target was a big piece of plywood with numbered 3x5 cards on it. Each 3x5 card had an X in the center - but on the back. Each shooter called out the number of the card and tried to shoot where they estimated the center was. A friend of mine with a matchlock rifle pegged it and won a spackle bucket full of lead.
We also shot a running deer - a plywood cutout on a long clothesline cable. A guy way off to one side in a gully cranked a handle to make it go. Of course the joker didn't crank smoothly, so the deer jerked and jumped it's way across a clearing, behind some bushes, in the open, behind a tree...