Cam, barrels for a double, whether rifle or shotgun, are soldered together at the breech, often with hard solder (silver). The plugs must be removable, as you will do this many times during the making of the gun. Those breeches filed octagonal and installed in your barrel pair, would be impossible to remove.
Cody, using Brockway's method of breeching a pair of shotgun barrels, one plug is made a longer in the section that receives the vent, than the other. The short one, which is oversized in this section, is screwed into the first barrel, and then the other one is screwed in until it contacts the first - then you scribe the first one with the larger disc, and cut away all the extra steel down to that scribe line, so that the second plug can pass it until it bottoms against the barrel. From the extra metal of the first plug, you file the rib to match the barrels' rib. He illustrates this well in his book. The extra length of the second plug allows you to use a pipe wrench to turn it in, without bumping the first plug.
Cam, making a double gun is a huge undertaking, that requires a lot of skill, knowledge, and experience. Without sounding mean, I don't think you're ready for it.