Author Topic: Looking for information  (Read 2906 times)


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Looking for information
« on: October 06, 2008, 12:22:48 AM »
Hi, I am looking for information or the actual article from an old Muzzle Blasts magazine for my stepfather. The article is called "How to make a hooked breech for a flintlock rifle." - By Ray Keeler from june 1967.

Does anyone have this article or other similar information or where I can find more, that they are willing to share with me?
I am waiting for a response from the actual magazine about the article, thought I would try here too.

Thanks for your time.

Offline Long John

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Re: Looking for information
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 04:18:09 PM »
There are hooked breech components in the Track of the Wolf catalog that you could use if you were planning on replacing a breech.

If the rifle has a traditional breech and you want to convert it to a hooked breech you should first figure out why you want to do that.  I certainly wouldn't!  But you can saw off the tang, file the breech plug lug into a hook and then forge a tang from mild steel flat stock by bending it over to from an L-shaped part with one leg the tang and the other leg a breech face, cutting a hole in the face to receive the lug of the breech plug and then filing the other leg of the L-shaped tang to fit the tang mortice.

I put a hooked breech on a smoothbore gun years ago when I was young and foolish and still infected with the delusion that guns with traditional breeches were hard to clean.  Once I learned how to clean a long rifle I concluded that taking the barrel out of the stock was, how shall I say this politely, utterly unnecessary.

I don't recollect seeing the referenced article.

Best Regards,

John Cholin

Offline Larry Luck

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Re: Looking for information
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 08:34:23 PM »
If you contact the NMLRA (812) 667-5131, they may have a copy that they will sell you.  I recall that the price is quite low and I had to order three to make the minimum for the charge card order.  If not, they may be able to provide a photocopy.

Larry Luck

Offline ptk1126

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Re: Looking for information
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2008, 08:42:06 PM »
The title of the article is "The Making and Fitting of a Hook Breech" and is not specific to a flintlock.
If you would like, I can either mail it to you or scan it into my computer and send it as a jpeg attached to an email.
The article is two pages.

All the best

p.s  I am leaving Sunday morning for the engraving class at Conner Prairie, so if I
don't hear from you with email or snail mail address by then, it will be next weekend.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 10:34:44 PM by ptk1126 »