Yip....to elaborate a little more than the Hillbilly above. You will receive ten targets, about 4"x6", with a 4" round black
spot on it, with a white X on the black spot. You will be required to place certain information of each target....name,
calibre of your gun, number each target from 1 to 10, and a line for the measurement. You are allowed to make a "sighter" target, which amounts to anything that you can see well and aim at. When you are at the shoot, you will see
all kinds of things....big black dots, little dots, square black blocks, donuts, etc. The object of the game is to shoot a real
small group in your sighter target.....ideally they would all be in one hole, although this never happens. Also, this group
can be anyw here on that sighter target. You are melely trying to shoot a group, and you don't really want that group to
be right where you are aiming......that would do nothing but tear up your aiming point. After that practice session is completed, everyone on the line will post their first target. You will do this by placing that first 4x6 card with the X on it,
behind your sighter target with the X right in the middle of your group. You are hoping your shot will go back into the
same group and be close to the X. Relays have no time limit. The line stays open until everyone has fired at his target.
After you pull that target and posted the next one, you will turn in your target to someone collecting them. They are then
taken to a scorer who will measure the distance from the middle of the X to the middle of your bullet hole. This is measured in thousands and that measurement is written on the card. At the end of the match, your measurements are
totalled up with the shortest measurement being the overall winner. There is also a prize give to the shooter who is closest to the X on each target. Hope this helps...............Don