I bought this cheap 20 ga. barrel, on sale from Dixie, I had to cutt off the breach end and reinstall the plug it due to a terrible fitting breach plug. Then the muzzle was shortened by an inch to make the gun look reasonable, a round face queen anne lock from Chambers and a chunk of wood left over from one of Rich's long guns, and it is beginning to take shape. Oh yes, David Keck inlet the barrel for me. The front lock screw missed the ramrod hole cleanly. David drilled the rr hole perfectly.
My question is...................should I cut the butt off parallel with the barrel before installing the butt cap or leave it as is? I have seen guns made both ways. I am tending to cut it off. What do you think? It is to be iron mounted, and the sideplate is a rounded military looking job coming from MBS. Thimbles are short cast steel for a pistol. Of course, half the wood now on the stock will eventually be shavings on the shop floor. I plan to attempt to carve the tang on this one.