While taking pictures of the bag and horn set I decided to get one of this very special knife.
In 2003 I began collaborating with bladesmith Gib Guignard, who shard my love of the Amrican frontier and the gear carried by those who lived there and then. A short two years later Gib passed on, but before he did he made this very special blade for my birthday. The blade is based on the relic blade from the dig at Ft Ticonderoga. While all of Gib's blades have been special this one is extra special because Gib collected several old shear steel knives (mostly 19th Century relics and not collectibles) and then heat and beat them into this 9" blade. I kept it in reserve for some time until I finally came up with a piece of white tail antler that fit my hand perfectly - the following knife is what came this special collaboration developed into - Thanks Gib!
PS the sheath is in the works.............