Today while at a customers home this morning I got to look at an old SXS that was his great grandfathers. I took some photos with my cell phone but they were $#@* “of course “
The piece was simply wonderful . Sterling butt plate with long tang , TG , pineapple entry as well as standing breech .
The standing breech caught my eye because for a percussion gun it did not have flash guards . The guards were part of the plugs .. And it was a short tanged early style standing breech
It also have very heavy raised gold inlay in the form of arch’s and floral for about 3 inches of the barrels . Breeches forward among the arch’s was also silver diamonds
All the hardware was heavily engraved Butt plate , and locks
The locks and center rib was marked with large lettering . 4 gold stars . E.A. ABRICH of HANOVER then 4 more gold stars. Totaling another 4 inches
Now I could be wrong on the first letter could have been a B?? the letter was compressed .
Stock was walnut and the wrist had skip line checkering and carried an undercut cheek piece
As I said I took some photos but they are very bad
Does the name strike anyone ?