I've finished the first filigree band on the the spout. It's a traditional Norwegian pattern and is made of 76 separate parts that are silver solder together. When all the silver work on the horn is done it will total about 800 parts.

Here's a description of the main elements:
Sarg This is the sheet metal object that the filigree elements are soldered to. I made this one out of 0.02" thick sterling silver.
Border threadThese are made of pure silver(999). Sterling is to stiff. It would break.
A) Tvunnet thead. Two silver wires wound together until they break. Then they are annealed and the process repeated three times. To get a chevron pattern, place a left wound thread next to a right round thread.
B) Kunst thread. Take three pieces of "tvunnet thread", right twist and twist them together in the opposite direction. The kunst thread in the photo is 1/16" in diameter.
Diamenter, Knupper and Kruser.
A) Diamenter are made by filing facets on the end of a 1/8" square sterling silver bolt and sawing off a slice 1/16" thick.
B) Knupper are silver balls made by winding sterling silver wire around a mandrell and cutting through the rings. The rings are placed on a carbon block and melted. When silver melts it pulls into a ball. Since all the rings are the same size, all the balls are the same size.
C) Kruser are made of 0.01" thick sterling silver wire.
1. Wind the wire around a mandrell using a hand drill as shown. I used a 0.03" mandrell.

2. Pull the silver wire coil off the mandrell and wind it around a thicker mandrell, in the opposite direction.
If you wind it in the same direction, the tension in the coils will make it impossible to join the ends of the kruser.

3. Anneal the coil and cut the kruser apart with sissors. Cut in the middel of the small coils or the kruser won't lay flate when the ends are joined.

Best regards