If done properly there is absolutely no need to use glue on wire inlay or solder for that matter.
Chris Laubach
In response to your post, you needed to add the qualifying ending to your statement: "These steps to doing silver wire inlay are not necessary for Chris Laubach."!
Also, I might remind you that there are a number of facets to gunmaking that are unnecessary such as, using sandpaper, using modern epoxies, using electricity for good lighting, employing modern chemical composits for wood finish and metal finish and on and on. However, the decision to employ any or all of these techniques and materials rests solely with the individual artisan. His choice will be based on such constraints as time, authenticity, peer pressure and his knowledge of the realm of historical gun making. Any or all of the preceding criteria will be factors in his decision. I am somewhat familiar with the "Laubach" tradition of gunmaking and remain in admiration, but the way I do things is not, and will not, be the same as you do certain things. My gunmaking techniques will only be judged by "Father time"
and not by you or anyother contemporary maker - not even the good people at Dixons.
That's how I see things, Hugh Toenjes