but it seems that TOW keeps stalling
Cam, I doubt TOW is stalling, just more likely that their supplier has not shipped any to them. I'm sure they are just as irritated in that they none to sell.
Other guys here have pointed out the alternatives for you, so no need for me to add to them, other than to say that getting busy making them yourself is a lot more constructive than spending time complaining here.
Besides, look at the bragging rights you'll have by making the breech plugs yourself! 
there is no alternatives becuse the TOW breech plug make the gun slimer at the locks. and i dont have a lathe and mill to copy them you need a mill and lathe for any accuracy

? , think about what you just said .
now is this the set your waiting for ? ?

have you compaired the above parts to what your wanting to build ?
Those are not interlocking plugs . Your going to have to add a center rib section between them anyway .
not to mention depending on the piece your thinking about , the step may not even be close
here are some exsamples for you to compair to

ask yourself , what size is the outside Diameter of the barrels I “ HAVE”
If its 1 inch , then a 1 inch across the flats octagon plug can be filed round to fit your barrels .
The step you see , is nothing but a filed down area of the plug so as to create a step in the breech
If you don’t want to do that , call the a local metal shop . Get a price on turning you a couple plugs .
They don’t need to make the hooks or anything . Just the simple plug that’s long enough for you to cut your own hooks . It wont take them more then 20minutes to turn and thread them for you
While your there , pick up a scrap of ¾ angle stock for your standing breech .
Truly sir what you are looking at is nothing special .
here is a photo of the very first Caplock ,standing breech and fitted plugs for first SXS that i built while doing a artical review of Bill Brockways book many years back . nothing was used other then a file and a drill press to make the plugs . the standing breech was made from a .50 cent piece of 3/8 angle stock .

here are some work in progress photos of the flint 10 gage SXS i mention in the previous post . Jess made the plugs by hand , without a mill or lathe and the the standing breech was made by modifing the old cartradge reciever.
triggers are also from the same cartradge gun used for parts