Bart: In another thread re: "silver wire inlay" someone mentioned that the reason for old inlays dropping is the shrinkage of wood over time. I have examined many old originals inside and out along with contemporary as well only to find that the original maker did NOT seal or apply any finish to the barrel channel, lock mortise, underneath the buttplate or under any of the furniture. Without sealing and applying finish to all parts of your stockwood your gun WILL suffer from "shrinkage". Before you apply any finish you must ,first, seal the ALL of the wood with a sealer - I use pure Tung oil cut 50% with turpentine or Japan dryers. This applied readily over a week till the wood cannot "drink" any more. Then I will rub the stock by hand for another day or so before I "rub up" a finish with boiled linseed or other alternative stock oil such as that Dr. T. Boone mentioned. Hugh Toenjes