Author Topic: The passing of George Shumway  (Read 8915 times)

Offline Hurricane ( of Virginia)

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The passing of George Shumway
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:06:41 PM »
With the greatest respect for one the most important contributors to the study of the longrifle, I am saddened to inform this forum of the passing of George
Shumway, author of "Rifles of Colonial American", and many other publications.
Fred Garner

Those who knew him personally, I hope,  will honor him and us with a "story." added here as a reply.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 10:50:16 PM by nord »


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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2011, 12:08:20 AM »
I never knew Dr. Shumway but, I can say that his cooperative effort with William Buchele "Recreating the Kentucky Rifle" is what got me into building rifles of all kinds.  Thank you George Shumway.  Because of you I have spent thousands of pleasrable hours building and researching.
I would like to see an obituary written by somebody who was fortunate enough to have known him.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 03:38:43 AM by eddillon »

Offline Stan

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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2011, 05:45:28 PM »
I met George in 1967 or 68 at a shoot he held at the "hollow" where he lived in a great restored 18th century stone house. At the shoot he gave me some solid advice, which was that he felt that new KR gunsniths should learn to design & execute insised carving. Good advise.

An amusing story at a later date! I had stopped by one morning to visit George and he offered me a donut which he said " he had bought used, saying he was smart enough to by day old rather than paying top dollar"!
He was always willing to share both information & good conversation.


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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2011, 04:26:41 PM »
here is the obituary for George      I never met him but respected his books and opinions...Phil

Offline mr. no gold

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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2011, 08:25:39 PM »
Early on, George was a scientist/oceanographer who worked at Scripps Institute of Oceanogrophy and lived in La Jolla. He was married for a time to the daughter of Roger Revelle, one of the founders of UCSD. That is the time that I first became aware of him.
Interesting story about his home; the house was build squarely upon the  cemetary grounds of a 7000 year old, La Jolla Indian site. He had shadow boxes in the patio and backyard of skeleton burials, which excited a great deal of comment.
George beat me to a grand, early Lancaster rifle which turned up about 1960 in a San Diego gun shop, (when we were still allowed to have such shops out here) and he bought it for $75. It was carved and had the daisy patchbox. Don't remember if he ever found out who made it, or not. I remember the long, swamped barrel it had.
At shows, George always put up a good display of KY Rifles, horns and such even though they were somewhat hard to find out here. One great rifle he had was a VA rifle signed 'Innes of Edinburg' on the top barrel flat. The PB door had an elk engraved on it which he felt had been done in the Victorian era. The gun is shown in one of his RCA volumes and he later told me that it had been destroyed in a disastrous fire that burned up most of his collection, papers and such. What a loss.
Sorry he has gone on; we all owe him a great debt for his scholarship and hard work which has shed light and truth on a lot of ignorance and myth. Enjoy his work!

Offline WElliott

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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2011, 06:42:44 AM »
Sadly, many knowledgeable students of the longrifle die without sharing their knowledge with others.  George Shumway blessed us with his generous contribution and we, and future generations, will be the richer for it.  He will be missed.
Wayne Elliott


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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2011, 01:17:18 PM »
His books definitely hooked me on this wonderful passion that we all share.

Offline Curt J

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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2011, 05:06:18 AM »
As some of you probably know, George Shumway was the publisher of my two volumes, GUNMAKERS OF ILLINOIS, 1683-1900, VOL I & II.  He also published my two preliminary checklists, one in 1974, the second in 1982.  I first met him in his booth at Friendship in 1969, and we were friends ever after.  He taught me his method of photographing longrifles, using a 4" X 5" Crown-Graphic, slow film, and long time exposures at f32 and f64.....all the while "painting" with a light.

George was always ready to share information with anyone who cared enough to ask. I cannot think of anyone who has done more to stimulate interest in and advance the knowledge of American Longrifles, than Dr. George Shumway.  He will always be missed.


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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 08:45:26 PM »
I just got my,this months Muzzle blast,and it had a good write up on George.When I first started going to Friendship@73 I went with George Handcock and Lloyd Gammon who had the booth next to Doc.Johnson in the sheepshed.I talked to Dr Shumway quite a bit over the years till he and I both stopped being there every year.He had a lot of knowledge in that head. God bless.


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Re: The passing of George Shumway
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2011, 12:30:14 AM »
This is a great loss.  I just picked up his book on building the long rifle,...another good fellow I'll miss having the chance to have personally met!   :(

God Bless his family.