Author Topic: Changing from left to right handed shooting  (Read 1881 times)


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Changing from left to right handed shooting
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:12:36 PM »
I went out for my second practice session yesterday in my quest to change from left handed to right. Boy do I have a lot of work ahead of me!!I have to change because of a clot in my left eye that has blocked out a section of my eye that is right where my front sight comes into view. A few weeks ago I was benchresting my GPR and wasn't getting very good groups, on a hunch I switched to my right hand and the groups went from 3" to one ragged hole at 50 yards!!!! This rifle off the bench will put one ball after another in the same hole at 50yrds with black powder, its really quite amazing how accurate it is. Anyhow I'm all over the place with my arc of movement, grouping into about 4" at 50yrds. Sight picture is good but my muscle control is terrible. Surprisingly I don't feel uncomfortable handling the rifle right handed. Just need to get the muzzle under control and my trigger squeeze coordinated with to target. Right now I'm afraid I'll develope a flinch as I'm tempted to hit the trigger when it lines up with the bulls eye instead of a controlled squeeze when the sight swings into the bull. I'm going to leave the rifle in the living room so that I can practice by dry firing every chance I get. Nowhere to go but up!!!!! Frank


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Re: Changing from left to right handed shooting
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 05:48:16 PM »
Your experience falls right in line with my own.  I suffered a bad break of my left arm and wore a cast for three months and had no strength in it for 3-4 months after that.  So righty shooting was the only option.  And darned if I didn't shoot better.  The distinction seemed to be that I had to concentrate harder with the right, and that was a good thing in the long term.  I've long since gone back to lefty shooting, but the lesson of better concentration stuck.  In 6 months or so I never got "comfortable" right handed, but it didn't take long at all to establish a fair degree of competence.  If I had stuck with using the right too, I'm sure I could have been ambidextrous.  But that left handed was too alluring.