Your off and running, definitely on the right path! I think your lock panels turned out well. I would have extended the front lower lines to follow the panels (like you did with the rear), not turn them towards the trigger guard, maybe put less of an arch on the side plate top line, but you've done well with them. You have the incised line of the panels at the right spot, where the radius starts, which I think helps them look not as steep, if that makes sense. For what its worth, I think they look good!
I know everyone has their method, but I really like to stab. It especially helps me with round areas, like the finials, and the radius on top near the breach. A gouge of the proper size makes for nice, clean lines.
With a little bit of relief, the leaves will look even better. I know you said you plan on doing that, and will be a nice effect.
A suggestion that has helped me greatly; draw your lines as skinny as possible. This will ensure that you get things symmetrical (not that yours aren't). That way you won't be asking yourself, "do I stay on the outside, or inside, of this line". Another thing that's helped me is to draw the design, like the leaf pattern, on paper, then transfer it to the wood with carbon paper. For me, its much easier to work on paper than wood, plus, you get those skinny lines.
Again, I think you've done a very good job, especially for a first attempt. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.