Thanks, guys. I've always liked brass, but I fell in love with the iron-mounted one that inspired me (from a Wallace Gusler article in Muzzleblasts from September 2004), and thought I should give iron a try. The finish came out OK, but I wish I had charcoal blued (as the original); just couldn't work up the nerve to do it on the barrel and wanted stuff to match.
The patchbox was fun. I was intending to do nine knuckles on the hinge, but I could only do seven in this lifetime; I used the external hinge to allow me to stop remaking finials when the hinge part was botched, but I thought it ended up adding a little texture. The original patch box had different finial, but was in the "geometric" fashion, so I wanted to try my own combination of elements -- different but the same. It did turn out to resemble some others from the same area which is a good sign I think, but it wasn't intentional at the time, I just stopped cutting when I thought it looked good and had the proportions I wanted. I tried the same thing with the PB sidepanels, but couldn't really top the original. I never tried a 4 piece PB before, but I hardly ever see them done in iron these days, so I wanted to follow my original and be different at the same time.
Any resemblance to House brothers (even a distant likeness is flattering) is likely due to a similar taste in 1790-1810 originals SW Va. and E. Tn. iron mounted rifles. I have to attend elementary school before I can even apply to a school like Woodbury

Thanks for noticing the 4 RR pipes -- I just wish I had seen the trick you used on your blog rifle earlier.
The buttplate and comb pieces are not joined, as that is the way the original I was following was put together. It has two screws in the buttplate and the comb piece is inlet into the wood (and screwed down).