Never having fired or actually handled a smooth rifle, I don't quite get it. As I understand it smooth rifles evolved either as bores wore out? Don't know, or as larger game got scarcer or gone, hunters had barrels reemed out smooth to allow the use of shot for smaller game, so I understand all that. My questions are: 1. What is the maximum range before accuracy with a patched round ball drops off? 2. Since rifleing helps displace fouling in the barrel when at the range, is loading and firing repeatedly more difficult with a smoothie than with a rifle? 3. Do you smoothie shooters actually shoot shot charges in your smooth rifles. Just askin.
in my opinion
1/. - in regards smooth rifles - maximum range of a patched round ball is regulated by it's accuracy. The accurate range is much closer than the potential of the round ball itself. The larger the ball - the greater the the useable range IF accuracy accompanies it. Most smoothbores, smoothrifles or those with only one sight are finished, accuracy wise, at inside 80 yards, in regards a kill zone of, say 10" in diameter. Many people cannot shoot a 10" group at 80 yards with a rifle, let along a gun that lacks the precision of a rifle, ie; smoothrifle or smoothbore. Most times, a person's own accuracy range is much less than that of the gun itself.
2/. - Loading for either is virtually identical in my experience. I shoot a smaller ball in a smoothbore with a heavy patch. I do not use an material for patches thinner than about .018" in any gun. My smooth 20 bore, actually .615"- a true 20 at the muzzle uses a .595" ball with a .0215" ticking patch. Loading is easy - and 80th shot loads as easily as the 1st.- no wiping.
My rifles all use balls that are .005", give or take a thousanth, smaller than the bore, with a patch that is .0215" to .030" in thickness depending on which rifle it is. Only the .32 is the annomoly here,using a bal that is .008" smaller than the bore, with a .0225" denim patch. All of my rifles load easily and as easily for the 80th shot as the 1st- I see no difference- except - a large bore smoothie, or my .69 rifle allows the use of paper ctgs., which expidites loading to under 10 seconds- if you want a speed comparrison. In this case, the rifle is just as fast as the fastest method for smoothbores, yet holds the same accuracy as with a patched ball, which gives THAT rifle and effective accuracy and killing range on moose - past 200yards. It is the ultimate hunting rifle and calibre, in my most humble, of course. - (actually, nothing humble about it)
3/. - I've not used smoothbores that much, but have used both round ball and shot in both. the .44 cal. and the 20 bore. The .44 was a 1/2 stocked smoothrifle, while the 20 is a smoothbore 1/2 stocked fowler. I fired a total of 20 rounds of shot out of the 44- winning out local rondy trap shoot with it, against choked 12 and 10 bore doubles. Seveal years ago, I borrowed a 12 bore double and shot the trap shoot with it and won, then bought and subsequently sold the gun. I have fired a total of about 25 rounds of shot out of my 20 bore, winning the trap shoot last year at our local rondy. The 44 smoothrifle (now gone) and 20 bore shoot/shot patched round balls mostly, only shot when shooting clay birds.
yeah - I was bragging.