McDermitt, A. P. (1829- ). gunsmith. 1860, Point Pleasant, Mason County [Census].A full stock long rifle signed "AP McDermit" on the top flat of the barrel. I believe this to be Andrew P. McDermit (1830 - 1899) of Mason County, Virginia (now West Virginia.) McDermit(t) was listed as being a gunsmith in the town of Point Pleasant in the 1860 census. Mason County is located in the north-western corner of the state, hard against the Ohio River.
This is obviously a basic late percussion rifle but still it has some interesting features. The gun is mostly iron mounted (butt plate, toe plate, trigger guard and ramrod pipes) with some brass highlights (side plate, ramrod entry pipe and muzzle cap.) There is a 4.75 inch drop at the heel along with about a .8 inch cast off and a 13.5 inch trigger pull. The front sight is a slotted silver blade. The straight .45 caliber barrel is 39.5 inches long. The rifle has a two screw tang with the first screw also securing the trigger plate. Overall length is 55.5" and she weighs 9 lbs 2 oz. The maple stock appears to be original and it is still mechanically perfect.

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Re: McDermit, Andrew P. 110502-5
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2011, 11:53:36 AM » Reply with quote Modify message Remove message Split Topic
It is a basic working rifle, but most iron mounted gun are worth a second look. The nicely shaped guard was efficiently made from a single strip of shaped/formed iron. Typical of some other "southern" rifles made near the Ohio River, mountings are mixed, with larger pieces forged from iron and smaller pieces made from brass.
McDermit's family (James and Susan parents; father from PA [1790-1856]) was in (West) Virginia by 1820 according to census data. Andrew was listed as a gunsmith in the 1850 & 1860 census in Mason County. In 1880 he was working as a druggist and dentist (ouch!) in Huntington, Gallia County, Ohio. At his death in 1899 he was buried near Buffalo in Putman County, WV.