I have a longrifle stamped "J Mason." I believe he was in Worchester, Mass. The gun was handed down to me from family in Ayer, Mass. A local fellow here in Eau Claire, WI tells me it was made by John Mason of Worchester and showed me similar work of John Mason in books that he has. I had the local fellow, a machinist and avid flintlock collector, do some work on the rifle to stop a decaying stock around a crack that is similar to another post here about another J Mason / Salis (?) gun. He now says the rifle is fine to shoot and that he fired it upon completion.
I know people are always saying don't do anything to an antique but, it is now not collecting dust and decaying, rather a useful item in the family. So, if it isn't worth as much now I don't mind since I have a feeling it was worth around $800.00 only and will now last anther hundred plus years.
I emailed the pictures to a member here with a New England Fowler who will post them since I have not figured it out yet. I look forward to your comments.
by the way, I saw a name that was familiar somewhere here, Whiskers. If you are an educator I sent pictures of this rifle to you about eight or nine years ago. Since then I have learned what I now know and am looking for any further information.
Thanks to all,
Bob S