Author Topic: Cleaning with Tow  (Read 13871 times)

Offline Nate McKenzie

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Cleaning with Tow
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:02:27 PM »
Hi. I didn't want to steel the thread about finding linen tow so I'll start a new one. Here's how I clean with tow. I have outside hot water but it can be done with a coffee pot of hot water just as well.
Use dish detergent on a tooth brush to clean up the outside.

Brush around lock and breech area and rinse.

Squirt hot water up barrel or pour it down barrel till it comes out fairly clean.

Now pull off a piece of tow. You will soon learn how much you need for a tight fit.

Hold tow against worm and twist worm.

Put soap on worm.

Wet tow ball and run it up and down the barrel a few times. Then rinse tow and run it up and down the barrel a few times.

Then squirt water up barrel again to rinse it. Rub some dry tow up barrel to dry it. Run some oily tow in barrel to prevent rust.  The tow can be washed, dried, and combed to use it over and over again.

If you don't have outside hot water, plug the touch hole with a feather or a tooth pick and pore the hot water down the barrel.

I'm sure there are other ways but this what works for me. Some of my rifles are 20+ years old and the bores look like new.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 02:13:30 AM by rich pierce »