Colors can vary with the % of wood charcoal and bone charcoal used in the pack.
The quench can vary the colors also (depth, temp, distance of drop).
Furnace time, size (and even shape) of the C/C box, amount of space betw parts, etc,,
Just about everything is a variable in C/C.
You can also case harden w/o the multi colors pattern by using oil as a quench instead of water.
A dull blue gray color or just gray color usually results, but again depends on the above.
Most every gun company doing case hardening w/colors in the 19th and 20th century as a production heat treating had a pattern and color identifiable to that company. Colt colors, LC Smith colors, Parker colors, etc.
The process was eccentially all the same. What made small identifiable differences in the final results were those variables of % of mix, temperature, time in furnace, etc.
Everyone did it a bit different but replicated their our results fairly consistantly thru their own production period.