Good point Tom. See the Will Rogers quote below. That's why I like to build the guns I like. Set a price and offer them for sale.
The new owner gets to see the gun finished, hold it and even shoot it. And he doesn't have to wait to get it.
If he can't see the gun in person, I will send tons of pictures including targets. I will answer all questions and offer information he may not think to ask. I have killed a few deals but, nobody has ever sent a gun back and every gun sells.
No stress to build guns I don't like. The only time deadline is how long I'm alive and long I can still build guns. If I want to stop to brink a beer or grab my flintlock and shoot a squirrel the boss already knows why I'm not working.
I don't build guns for a living, got a job for that. I build guns because I like to and I sell guns so I can buy more parts. There is a running joke around my shop, every gun is my next gun, I'm building for it for me. Some times other people just want them more than I do. So, I have to start myself another gun.