i will send instructions with each call but here is how it works. these calls make a high pitched raspy whistle when blown. find a small leafy branch or a small sapling that you can shake the leaves on or just use your hat in the dry leaves. while shaking the branch or beating your hat in the leaves(to imitate beating wings) blow short sharp blasts on the whistle slowly lowering the volume,you are imitating the sound of a hawk or owl capturing a squirrel. most times they will bark giving away thier position,other times they will come running in your direction,and at other times you will be looking for a place to hide. i have had them come running,raising $#*! all the way and stoping just a few feet above my head and cuss me for everything but a squirrel hunter. i have used the bellows/bark type calls and have never called up a single squirrel. 75 percent of the squirrels i take i have called in with these whistles,they realy work.