Not that it matters much when spark comes to powder, but then aren't we the nose-pickers who fret the details? To wit: At my level of development I would be inclined to believe that given a particular profile of bbl within a given "weight"-that in fact a larger bore would _always_ result* in a lighter bbl.
But then none of the published charts I've seen agree with this premise. Comments?
I suppose I/we/they could calculate the weight of the removed material (roughly, not correcting for rifling/rate variations) and get truer comparisons. Or do rifling rates/number of grooves cause such wild variations?
IOW a 40 should be lighter than a 36_every time_ (etc. per calibers)) unless you change external dimensions-which are defined by the weight "class" A,B, etc.
Methinks that the numbers got jumbled/typoed somewhere in the process of compiling and publishing them.
*assuming rifled/rifled.