Author Topic: Attributed to John Rupp 111019-1  (Read 11435 times)

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Attributed to John Rupp 111019-1
« on: December 04, 2011, 05:25:20 PM »
Photos speak for themselves...

Info added 10/23/11:

The rifle started its life with a 46 1/8 inch bbl. . At present its  45 inches  .. It was set back 1 1/8  when  reconverted to flint .The conversion was  done by replacing the entire lock ..This was done in the fifties when some collectors  had  priorities that were a bit different to ours .



What a fine Rifle! Looks like a Rupp gun; the box lid is initialed with J.R., while the patchbox shape and engraving looks like his hand. The carving is very good, as is the wrist checkering and the molding along the forearm. Condition is very good overall though it appears that the stock may have been reshelacked some where along the way. The lock doesn't seem quite right, and it may be a second lock in the rifle's life. Would like to have it in hand for a few minutes to really tell if that is so, or not. In any case, this is one piece that I wish were up on my wall, as it is just as good a Lehigh rifle as one could ever hope to find.

An absolutely magnificent artistic master piece.
This is an excellent rifle!  I agree that something is going on with the lock, it looks like a replacement, but other than that, this is an excellent addition to our library.

Very fine stock architecture, as expected from John Rupp, and while  not overly embellished, the mountings present are high quality. I'd like to know the barrel length; it appears to be a really long one, but angled pictures can be deceiving. Very representative of Rupp's best work. The lock looks like a rebuilt replacement, based on how little side facing wood is left around the lock's edges, flat bottom on the cock screw, etc., but it looks good on the gun.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 01:22:33 AM by rich pierce »
In Memory of Lt. Catherine Hauptman Miller 6/1/21 - 10/1/00 & Capt. Raymond A. Miller 12/26/13 - 5/15/03...  They served proudly.