I am willing to bet that the Rifle Shop has probably copied the one that Kit Ravenshear did years ago. I made the set
of barrels....round, tapered, in 50 cal. The center barrel was rifled and was turned with flanges front and rear, which
were fitted to six sommothbores around it. The center barrel was set up to be fired with a flint lock, and the other six
barrels surrounding the middle one were vented from the middle barrels so that they all went off at one time. A few of
us locals did get to shoot it. It was loaded with about 15-20 grains of FF, with a .490 ball in each barrel, which may not
seem like much, but when you are pushiing over 1300 grains of lead, you do get some recoil. It shot about a 12" pattern
at 25 yeards. I have no idea who might own this gun now, but it was fun, just anothr of Kit's crazy gun building.........Don