When I lay out the positions for the tang bolt, I first mark the trigger plate where I want it to come out, I then lay the
tang bolt on the side of the rifle and move it to the position on the tang where it will be at the proper angle, or a flat
fit. I then set up my pointer on the drill press table so that I can get that proper angle. I first drill the hole with a
tap drill (#29 for a No. 8 screw). After that is done, I will drill down thru the tang to the triggeer plate, stopping when I
touch it, with a #13 drill. I then countersink the tang while positioning it on the pointer, this gives you that good countersink position. I then leave everything in place and run my tap down thru the hole and tap the trigger plate in
place. If the tang bolt head does not fit well after doing all of this, you have done a poor job of aligning it in the first