Kermit mentions NMLRA Chunk shoots and notes the three shot match. Three shot matches were all that were held at the Friendship range until last year. The chunk range is part of the bench, chunk, silouette range and you couldn't shut down just part of the range. The relays are 45 minutes each and therefore the three shot match. A few years ago a small range was added on the east side of the srange which was almost isolated from the main range. This sub range must be shut down when the main range is closed ie. every 45 minutes, but it can be shut down during that 45 minute period.
Thus a 10 shot match can be held. Everyone shoots, goes down range and changes targets. Then when the main range closes this range also closes. Mrs. Blizzard runs the range quite well and there have not been any conflicts with the main range. There is one 10 shot match each June and September, held on two days, Thursday and Friday. Last Sept the Thursday shooters had a lot of wind but Friday was great (so I heard). About 25 or 30 shooters shot Thursday and about the same on Friday. The 10 shot match takes about 3 hours and is a real learning experience (mostly remembering to bring lunch).