Aflo...........the third gun I ever built was a Joe Long. I was fortunate in that I had several to look at, and do rubbings
to get some of the parts, side plates(from a flint gun), the ramrod pipes, which I made. I even used a
trigger guard from an original, made plaster mould of it, and cast several in pewter. I then took them down to York to
a foundry that did sand castings, had a few cast up. The gun ended up with one of Long's fancy patchboxes, a comb
inlay, fancy toe plate, silver eagle on the cheek piece. Also made the ramrod pipes which had a rather narrow round
band at each end, and had the 16 flat affect . Also a wear plate on the foregrip. The one place I really screwed up was
with the lock. I wanted to build a good shooter, and I used a Hadaway lock........completely wrong for the gun. I often
thought of pulling it, fill in the lock mortice and find a more appropriate lock. I also stained it with Feibings shoe dye
which by now has really lightened up. This whole gun was kind of a labor of love since I grew up about a mile from where Joe Long lived and worked. It was a lot of work and I still have it, as a matter of fact I still have the first three
guns I built.............Don