This is all real helpful and educational. And yeah, I do tend to over-think a lot of this stuff. I get fascinated with the how and why of things.
I like the simplicity of using a strip and cutting at the muzzle. I like knives a whole bunch too, so anything that gives me an excuse for a new one is welcome. HOWEVER, I am thinking about the problems that strips and cutting might present if you were to spend a day at the range. I get dry mouth too easy as it is
How do you guys handle it when you are doing one of those woods walk/run matches---chaw on a wad of cloth while you are running. with my luck I'd trip on a root, and wind half swallowing it and choke to death.
Since I'll be trying to get the "new-to-me" .29 fired up and running over the weekend--I hope, and of course the smaller the bore the more sensitive guns are to ANY variations. I'm thinking more along the lines of pre-lubed patches I guess the logical thing to do is to prelube strips or larger patches, keep them in a container, and then cut them at the muzzle.