Thanks for your interest and comments Dick. I fond no Order of Garder seal on it, I even had to look up what it was. It is possible that it is pre-Rev war, the name of Ft. Stanwix had actually been changed to Ft. Schuyler during the Rev. War. Stanwix being the British name and had been abandonded by the time of the Rev war. There is only the initinals, "APM" on it no dates. The museum didn't see anything special about it till it was brought to their attention. With our research (and this forum's help) I'm sure they will see it in a different light!
T.C. ALbert, you pose a great question, I also wonder, I tried to contact the National Park Service at Ft. Stanwix, but the link didn't work. We would love to be able to attribute it to a soldier, but that would be like winning the lottery! No, the museum is in Indiana, the horn apparently was donated at the same time as an English fouling gun in the 20's or 30's.
Many Thanks to all!