I'll start by saying...... I think Acer is right. OW that hurt! If it's not an optical illusion, the comb definitely needs a little more tapering out toward the wrist.
Sorry, I don't want you to feel like we're piling on, but you've got the brunette right in front of you.
Great start on the cheek piece, but keep going, smaller yet, front to back, and thinner top to bottom, dish out that area a little more above the cheek piece.
One last thing, and it may be a little late at this point. Your cheekpiece is parallel with the bottom line of the butt stock. Look at the brunette again, it tapers up away from the lower line as it goes toward the rear.
These beauties defy every rule you ever knew about gun building. Lock not centered on the barrel, or on the wrist, not a straight line ANYWHERE, not a parallel line ANYWHERE, (OK maybe the moldings), barrel and rod pipes sticking way out of the wood., etc,etc.
Right now, you're probably wishing you had never started this huh?
I'm starting #3 and #4 right now............ it's an addition. Hello, my name is Dane, and I'm a Lehigh junky!!