A Kuntz rifle, ca 1810, Metropolitan collection
An American gun, with strong Germanic influence.
There certainly is the wear factor when looking at old work. In the case of the Kuntz, I'd interpret the lock area to some wear, but the surround was gently rounded at the time of the build. But that is only opinion, since we do not have a brand new-old stock Kuntz to compare with.
The American gun shows surprisingly little wear, and the lock surround shows very little wear, other than slight chipping and denting. This is a very European influenced surround, tho' crudely done. WIth the lock out, one gets a better sense of how knife-edged the surround is.
The Kuntz is on the other end of the spectrum, a most highly evolved American work, with the surround trending toward an actual 'panel', a raised flat plane surrounding the lock, with the corners broken, tapering into the wrist and forestock.