Neat looking little lock for sure. I never did develop any kind of tooling or even simple drill fixtures for the back action locks. I once had a Holland&Holland double rifle in .303 British that had an exquisite pair of them made by Brazier in London. There is one known Hawken rifle with a back action lock and a fine single set trigger. I saw it at Friendship over 30 years ago.
I got a real good report from my Urologist and he said he didn't want to see me again for a year so I have decided to make a few more locks beginning with a close copy of a Rigby caplock for a long range rifle. This will be the second one of these odd looking locks I have made,Jim McLemore has the first, Dan Phariss used one of his barrels to win 8 of 10 matches recently. I have the plate shaped and the 4 pin bridle done and am now making the screws and maybe the link for the mainspring.
Thanks for posting the little "Ruckliegendschloss".
Bob Roller